Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today's Rant

The older I get, the more I can't figure it out: Why do half the men in the world have to stare at women like creepy perverts?

This is for you, Creepy Weirdo Stalker Guy #1 who was in my office building yesterday, and you, Creepy Weirdo Stalker Guy #2 who was in my office building today.

I don't mean a look - hell, I don't even mean a good long look... I mean staring, like the guy on the corner your mother warned you about. The kind of stare where the salivating creep's head follows your every move, even if they have to look over their shoulder to watch you while they hold a conversation with someone else. The same way I used to glue my eyes to my kid when she first learned to walk.

But seriously!! I run into at least one of these people nearly every day, and I honestly don't know if they think I'm cute or I'm suddenly being hunted by the CIA's poorly paid thug division. And if the case is indeed that they think I'm cute - not that I'm interested, but as far as the general populace goes - are they really vapid enough to honestly believe any woman is going to want to say hello to a Creepy Weirdo Stalker Guy who is silently eyeing you like a starving dog in a butcher shop?

It's a shame, because there ARE some good men in the world, and there are plenty of others whos tongues at least work well enough to form the word "Hi." So way to go, Creepy Weirdo Stalker Guy. Way to incite a riot of female paranoia and ruin it for everyone. Congratulations and bravo.

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