Sunday, July 4, 2010

You may have heard...

I suppose I have to make some kind of a statement, so here it is:

Randy Garcia and Chris Sheldon have fired my husband from Nerd Parade. No reason of any significance was cited. Apparently the Nerd Parade 'directors' (heaven forgive me such a word, but it came straight from Them) will attempt to continue without Richie; however, in the opinion of many, myself included, "there goes the band."

So in addition to this, after three and a half years, I found myself magically deleted from Nerd Parade's (newly taken over by the 'directors') page on Facebook -- although they apparently continue to use my photography on their webspace (however temporarily I'm sure). In exchange for this oh-so-mature insult of adding my personal self into this mess that has nothing whatsoever to do with me, especially after all of the work I did for no compensation, I have therefore decided to terminate all ties with the musical artists now known as Nerd Parade. Believe me, from where I sit there, is no love lost -- and way to burn yet another bridge, eh?

To be perfectly truthful, overall I never cared for the overly-depressing 'Daylight Saving Time' album anyway (and I can actually say this now). 'Span of a Life' was a far superior album, and is thankfully something worthwhile to have salvaged from this wreck of things.

Warning: Do not purchase Nerd Parade's "Director's Cut" of Daylight Saving Time from this point forth if you think Rich Wilson will be on it. If you do, you will be getting an inferior product without the original bass tracks.

From my birthday to my birthday, the light had gone away.
From Eyedrum to Eyedrum, it's all shadows now.

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